Goal Achieved!

In April of 2018 I took my first class at Granite State College called Introduction to Field Experience! In March of 2020 I completed my last course, Culminating Teacher Experience or TCAP’s. In July of 2020 I passed my final Praxis II Multiple Subjects Sub Test Math.

It took lots of hard work, many late nights studying and completing homework, missing out on fun with family and friends and sometimes thinking I would never see the light at the end of the tunnel. But guess what! I am out of the tunnel and looking back it actually went pretty fast. I received my State of New Hampshire Teaching Certification and I couldn’t be more proud! I left a job after twenty-five years to go back to school for teaching. Many people thought I was crazy to give up the money I was making to become a teacher. I left a very good paying job to take a job as a paraprofessional at the school I ran programs at in my former job. Honestly, it would take me almost six weeks to make the same pay check I made in one week at the previous job. But it didn’t matter!! I LOVE working with the kids and being in the school.

I DID IT! I am now a certified teacher with a position at the school I have been involved with for the past 25 plus years. It is truly my dream job. I want to thank every teacher I had along the way that encouraged me and pushed me. I want to thank Emily Gannon at Granite State College for helping me through it all and guiding me on my journey. Anyone that has to create a blog for one of Emily’s classes, embrace it!! I haven’t had one of Emily’s classes in maybe a year and I continue to come back to my blog to hopefully inspire another student that needs to come out of their comfort zone by starting a blog.

Regardless of the fact my district doesn’t know if we will be going back to remote learning or into our school building I am simply over the moon with my job as a kindergarten teacher.

Stay tuned for posts from a first year teacher………

2 thoughts on “Goal Achieved!

  1. Hi Brenda! Congratulations on the completion of your schooling, getting a position and fulfilling your dreams! I am in a similar position as you were when you started. It took me more than a decade after getting my bachelor’s degree to realize I wanted to be a teacher! Although I am looking at the rest of my courses and stressing about how I will get it all done, I know that it will be a rewarding moment to look back, as you did, and realize just how much I accomplished. I am glad that you continued to still blog after having been in Emily’s class. I am nervous about the technology aspects to some degree, but your words put me at ease to just roll with it and be open to new things! I hope your first year is going well!
    Christa Casey


    1. Thanks Christa! Things are going well in this crazy remote covid world. I just have to tell you, you are very lucky to have Emily as your instructor! She was also my FP. Even though my classes ending a year ago I STILL reach out to Emily! She is awesome. Trust me embrace the technology! Who would have ever thought it would come in THIS handy. Good luck with school and achieving your goal! You got this!!

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